Welcome to Fortune Brands Innovations Benefits! | ¡Bienvenido a los beneficios de Fortune Brands Innovations!
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We strive to provide you with a benefits program that rewards associates for the hard work and dedication that you put forth every day. You love what you do, but to take care of what’s important—at work and at home—you need to take care of you. For assistance with your benefit-related or enrollment questions as a new hire or for 2025 Annual Enrollment, please review the information below on how to schedule an appointment with a Benefits Counselor and what to expect when a Benefit Counselor contacts you.
How can Enrollment Counselors Help?
Enrollment counselors can review the Fortune Brands benefit
plans, what’s new for 2025, and enrollment options with you, help you make the
best choices for you and your family and even complete your enrollment in one
phone call!
How to Schedule an Appointment and What to Expect:
Use the scheduling tool below to pick your appointment date and
time for a Benefit Counselor to contact you by phone.
Schedule your appointment – appointments
are generally set up for 30-minute time slots and scheduled 24 hours in advance.
Ø After you make an
appointment, you will receive a text and/or email reminder of your
appointment time. The email will be from “Fortune Brands” and the address
will display as noreply@schedapple.com
Ø How to prepare for
your appointment:
ü Review
your benefits available at myfbinrewards.com, including our 2025 Benefits Chooser Guide.
ü Gather
your dependent information, in order for the Counselors to enroll
dependents you will need their: full name, date of birth, and social security
number (or TIN). Note, Counselors
will not be able to verify newly added dependents, you will still need to fax
or upload any dependent verification required directly to the Alight Service
Ø On
the day of your appointment, you will receive a phone call
at your scheduled time from (877) 841-1694. Please be prepared to take the
call and allow for buffer time, as some calls may come in a few minutes late. Note: The
incoming call may reflect "BENEFIT ENROLL" on the caller
What happens if I miss the call?
The counselors will try to call you 3 times. If you miss your
scheduled time, you can call (877) 841-1694 to connect with a counselor or
make a new appointment by using the scheduling tool below.
Can I make election changes after my appointment?
can make enrollment changes until your new hire enrollment or qualified life event deadline.
To make election changes with an Enrollment Counselor - make a new
appointment with a Benefits Counselor before the enrollment deadline.
To make election changes yourself or directly through the Alight
Service Center - log into your benefits portal at the Alight Service Center (Click here for the
Alight Benefit Portal Log In) or call Alight 844-321-3246
before the enrollment deadline.